Christopher Jones
Director ​​​​
Chris has 20 year’s experience working for leading London based Architectural design consultancies. ​He is dedicated to improving the environmental aspects of buildings so they consume less energy and become more comfortable and affordable places to live. ​
Adam Clark
Adam has worked at senior director level for a number of key Architectural design practises over the last 30 years where he led on major UK and international public realm, landscape and architectural projects. He became chartered in 1994 working for Aukett Associates.​​​
Aaron Yhnell
Project Architect
Aaron has been working with formx architects since its founding in 2016. He brings a considerable technical knowlege to the practice which has been gained over 10 years working in residential estate management, housing development and architects practice. Aaron is a keek photographer and we use his skills to record our work.
Lily Antonia
Marketing/Comms and admin Manager​​​​​​​
Lily is our Marketing and Communications manager. She graduated from Nottingham University in International relations and works in research for CBRE. Lily has an enviable grasp of how digital media works and interfaces with the practice website and looks after PR.